Tuesday, August 23, 1994

Ron's Big Life Update - August 1994

(written August 17th:)

"Hello." - Richard Nixon, 1963.

I think Mr. Science is in the same stage of his career as Paul McCartney. (not good) If the analogy holds, then Paul is probably recording some really good music and Capitol Records doesn't want to release it. Observe:

Last night, we had some great thunderstorms in Tucson. Blam! Loads of fun! And someone was struck by lightning inside his house; he was putting away the dishes when lightning struck his house, and he got zapped through his dishwasher (he was OK, though). The moral, of course, is to not do the dishes.

Anyway, Mr. Science called in and described his favorite drinking game, called Lightning. Everyone has to stand in the middle of a field with a big metal rod, and if someone gets hit by lightning, everyone else has to drink.

And they didn't air it! Can you believe it? (Although I can't imagine that anyone in their largely female, age 34-75 audience would find that funny...)

Bah humbug.

Hope everything is hunky and dory in your little corner of the world. And long live triple-digit electric bills.


(written August 23rd:)

"Hi ho neighboroonie!" - Ned Flanders.

We got a big storm on Friday. Big. I mean huge. We had hail the size of quarters. Hail! In Tucson! We had winds of somewhere around 50 MPH and hail! What a blast! It only lasted about a half hour, but it messed up some power lines, and did some wind damage on campus. It was AMAZING! The hail was the most exciting thing yet this summer, and I managed to work it into a Mr. Science bit this morning:
Mr. S: I would have called a few days ago, but I just got out of jail. I can explain...You know how dimples on a golf ball are there for aerodynamic reasons - they decrease the wind resistance of the ball, so the ball goes farther? Well, I was out driving on I-10 on Friday during the big hailstorm, and the hail made all these dents in my car. Well, the wind resistance of my car went way down, and my little Toyota took off like a Porsche! Woo-hoo! I was moving! And a cop finally caught me, and asked, "Son, do you know how fast you were driving?" And I said, "No, my speedometer only goes up to 85." So I spent a few days in jail...
Went to a minor league baseball game on Saturday. The Tucson Toros aren't on strike (unlike some big city teams), so I got to take in another fine American Pastime game. (It's not 100 degrees at night anymore.)

Today is the 83rd day this year that it's been over 100 degrees. I think the record is around 93 days, so we're keeping our fingers crossed and our A/C on High.

Does anyone want to see The Tubes/Missing Persons/A Flock of Seagulls on Sunday? They're all coming to town in one mondo-bizarro triple bill. I am THERE!

Hope the sun is shining and the birds are singing in your neck of the woods. (The birds all got sunstroke and died out here...)

"Later, grizzly dude." - Bart Simpson