Tuesday, November 28, 1995

Ron's Big Life Update - November 1995

Why, hello. Thought you might want an update on the life of one of Arizona's least significant people - me. Let's see, what's new... I suppose I'll list some of the big things, in descending order of importance:
  1. I saw KC & The Sunshine Band, live! Actually, it was KC & two backup singers, singing over a prerecorded tape. Very disappointing, actually.
  2. I saw Waterworld. The movie cost over $16,000 per second, and was even more disappointing than the KC & The Sunshine Band concert. And how did they get cigarettes anyway?
  3. I defended my Ph.D. I am now Dr. Ron. It feels pretty good, I must say.
  4. Margaret and I are engaged. We'll be getting married in April here in Tucson. (The date is as close to April Fools' Day as we could get.) So after the wedding (and the honeymoon, the location of which is as yet undetermined), we get to pack up all our stuff into little boxes and move into our as-yet-unpurchased house in...
  5. ...Rochester! I will be starting work at Kodak on January 9th, and (initially) will be working on optical disk stuff - the same kind of things that I did for my dissertation. Cool! Being in Rochester will naturally force me to renew my ties with WRUR, the very station where I started my radio career-on-the-side. Time to dig out the scarf and gloves...
I'll be here in Tucson until the end of the year, at which point my e-mail address will self-destruct, only to be replaced by a shinier, newer e-mail address from Kodak, where they will presumably print business cards for me (always a life-long goal of mine.) Please send me your (US Postal) addresses and phone numbers, so I can update my little phone book and stay in touch with everybody.

Hope you-all had a good Thanksgiving, and here's to a good Hanukah/Christmas/other-end-of-the-year-holiday, and a happy new year!

Ron "Boogiemonster" Gerber, Ph.D.