Friday, February 14, 1997

Ron's Big Life Update - February 1997

Hi, all.

Sorry I haven't written lately, but work has been keeping me busy. I've just been granted permission to work overtime, and I've been putting in 50- to 55- hour weeks for the last month or so. You'd think that since I'm at my computer a lot more now, I'd be writing more often. That's actually not the case, because the time that I'd normally spend doing interesting things is now being spent at work. Such is life.

We found out that our landlord is being transferred to California and will be selling the house in the spring. This is not good, since the new owners would either (a) kick us out, or (b) double the rent. Either option is pretty sucky, if you ask me. Our lease expires in June, which gives us plenty of time to move somewhere else.

So we've been looking into buying a house. I don't know if you've priced these things lately, but houses are expensive. Ever more than a car. And WAY more expensive than CD's. (Boy, I could get 10,000 CD's for what a house costs...) Margaret and I have been looking, and we've already seen about ten houses. We're getting the hang of being able to distinguish between good and awful, and eventually we'll probably end up buying one. Once we're unpacked, you're all invited over...

So "Star Wars" is kicking butt once again, and is on its way to becoming the most profitable movie ever. Actually, it's no surprise that "Star Wars" is kicking butt; do you know what it's competing against? That awful Fran Drescher movie, or that swful Rodney Dangerfield movie, or that awful Eddie Murphy 48-Hours rehash, or that awful Chris Farley ninja movie, or "The Pest". I hear that there are plans to bring "The Godfather" back to big screens nationally, which would be o-tay by me.

Margaret says hi.

I might have mentioned that "Crap From The Past" has expanded from a weekly radio show into a weekly radio show plus a weekly club gig. I spin at a local club on Fridays from 11:30 to 1:30 (prime time), and we regularly get about 100-150 people there. Booty is shaken.

And congratulations to The Simpsons. They just had their 167th episode, making them the longest-running animated prime time show ever. (They passed the Flintstones, which were a worthless Hanna-Barbera knockoff of the Honeymooners anyway.) As Entertainment Weekly put it, "Yabba-dabba-Doh!"

Oh, and happy Valentine's Day,
Ron "Crap. Once a week." G