Sunday, October 31, 1993

Ron's Big Life Update - October 1993

(written October 15th:)


We had "hunky firemen" on the show at KRQ this morning. It was great to watch Betsy (news-babe) drool. They were promoting their Southern Arizona Firemen 1994 Calendar, which Betsy drooled over as well. Naturally, Mr. Science call in, pushing his Mr. Science Calendar, which features twelve steamy sizzling photos of Tucson's favorite call-in radio scientist hard at work. Whether he's crouching in front of the computer, bending over the bunsen burner, or just standing proudly beside his Big Laser, Mr. Science is one incredible babe-magnet. Yep, that's me.

Same as it ever was,

(written October 25th:)

So what's shaking in the wide wide world of Mr. Science?

Thursday - I gave blood, making donation #21. And a free T-shirt. The Simpsons, incidentally, was excellent.

Friday - My 25th birthday. And the greatest present anyone could receive was from my car insurance company, who lowered my rates. Went in to frolic at KRQ in the morning, and into lab in the afternoon. I quit my DJ job at the club, because the management were morons. A long story, but a happy ending. And after I quit, I went to a UA volleyball game (we won), and then watched Woody Allen's Bananas over some birthday cake with some more friends. Twas nice.

Satoday - Got the worst sunburn in recent memory at the football game & the tailgate party that went before it. (Funny how one usually doesn't think about sunburn in late October. Ah, sweet Arizona.) We won 9-6 with no touchdowns in the entire game. A snooze, but we're now undefeated 7-0. Then watched two Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes with Eric. More big laughs.

Sunday - I ran a 10K (6.2 miles) with Betsy (news-babe from KRQ). I survived, but I don't think I want to do anything like that anytime soon. Not bad, considering the last time I ran this far was ten years ago when I was a freshman in high school. Then drove out to Willcox (90 miles SE) to pick apples & pumpkins with a bunch of friends. Spectacular drive, and terrific weather. One superb day.

Monday - The effects of running 6.2 miles become apparent as I fall out of bed. Mr. Science calls in to describe his experience, "I ran 6.2 miles, then I drank a gallon of water. So I get 6.2 miles per gallon. My car gets 30 miles per gallon! So driving for exercise is almost five times as efficient as running." (oh - another free T-shirt for the run) I'm limping something awful right now, but I should be OK by Thanksgiving.

Not much else going on. (!) And like they say, live long and perspire.


(written October 31st:)

There I was, ready in my apartment for bazillions of kids to show up for trick-or-treating. I was fully prepared; I had just bought two hundred cans of Pork-N-Beans, and whaddyaknow...NOBODY SHOWED! Geez - the NERVE!!!

As expected, everything's going just fine out here in the desert. I have a lunch date with Betsy (KRQ news babe) on Wednesday, which is a very very good thing. (Parenthetical hypothetical rhetorical question: Why are the women who do the news so incredibly attractive? I noticed this from WRUR also.)

I also have an exam on Wednesday, but we know where my priorities lie.

Life is good,