Monday, June 20, 1994

Ron's Big Life Update - June 1994

Howdy hi! The summer solstice is tomorrow, and according to Mr. Science's calculations, the sun will be shining tomorrow for approximately 37 hours.

Had a good weekend out here. I installed a car stereo for a friend (I am now permanently on her good side). The old radio didn't have a "clock" power lead that stayed on when the ignition was off; no clock or presets on the old radio. So the new one can't have any preset radio stations, and the clock comes up at 1:00 when you start the car. The default frequency of the radio just happens to coincide with a horrendous Spanish radio station that only plays Mexican music, which I think is pretty funny.

I saw Speed, an amazing movie. The premise is kinda dumb (a bus that can't slow down below 50 MPH), and the trailer for it looked awful, but the movie was incredible. It's got all the action and tension of Die Hard and The Fugitive. Keanu "Excellent" Reaves (sp?) was pretty good, Dennis Hopper was off-the-wall, and Sandra Bullock (Demolition Man) is a babe. Two thumbs up. Way way way up. I don't think anything else this summer will be able to top this. Not even Beverly Hills Cop 3 or The Brady Bunch Movie. (Moviegoers - be afraid. Be very afraid.)

I leave tomorrow morning for New York. I'll be gone a week, attending a most-excellent wedding in Rahchester. This is gonna be great!

In other news, my negotiations with public radio station KXCI (not the Mr. Science station) have gone fairly well. I will be hosting their Friday night late 70s/early 80s show on July 15th, and I have license to do anything I want, including fancy station IDs, promotional flyers, and whatever else my nostalgic heart can dream up. Mark your calendars - on July 15th, Crap From The Past hits the airwaves. If it goes well, I could either (a) host the existing show about once every 3 or 4 weeks, or (b) get a separate Crap From The Past show if there's room in the schedule. This is gonna be great!

Now I have to get some work done. My boss is gonna kill me if I can't come up with an explanation of why the location of diffracted orders from a grating depends on the azimuthal angle of incidence. Simple as it sounds, it really isn't intuitive at all, actually. Oh well...

Enjoy your respective Mondays, and may your longest day of the year not be a hot and sticky one...