Friday, March 1, 1996

Ron's Big Life Update - March 1996

(sung): "Three Guys Talking!" - from an obscure radio show, 1988.

Well, howdy do. For those of you who haven't heard from me in a while, let me very quickly bring you up to speed. Not that anything of significance has happened...

Let's see...I graduated in December, but you knew that. I got married in December, but you knew that. I started work at Kodak in January, but you knew that also. Pittsburgh lost the Super Bowl, but you knew that because you had lots of money on the game. My car got turned into an accordion by some guy who had nothing better to do than to run into my trunk at 40 MPH, which you might not have known. So I bought a black '96 Toyota Corolla, which you might not have known either. It's very nice. Margaret drove out here and arrived at the beginning of February. She's been building and restoring some furniture since she moved out here, and when she gets bored with that (or fills up the apartment), she'll look for a job. For the first time in many many years, she has no financial pressure to work, and she likes the free time.

My friend Steve was up here in Rah-chester earlier this week. Some of you may remember my mentioning a Steve-who-set-fire-to-the-Chinese-restaurant or a Steve-who-got-married-and-divorced-in-'91. Well, it's the same guy and he was up here on business. Margaret and I went out to dinner with him, and we all had a lot of deep-fried food to commemorate the occasion. Bleh! (I told him the wings and then donuts story. Wings + Donuts = Death.) And as an extra bonus treat, I brought him on the air with me as a special guest. He played the part of "My friend Steve" on "Crap From The Past". This past Wednesday was the Grammy awards, and since I was on right before the awards show, I decided to do a tribute to the moronic/genius committee that votes for the awards by playing nothing but Grammy award winners from years past: "Theme from Shaft" - Isaac Hayes, "I am Woman" - Helen Reddy, 3 songs by Milli Vanilli, "Jessie's Girl" - Rick Springfield, "Morning Train" - Sheena Easton, "Stone Cold Crazy" - Queen (which won a Grammy for Metallica in '90), "I Write the Songs" and "Copacabana" by the Great Barry Manilow, "Love Will Keep Us Together" - The Captain and Tennille, "Boogie Oogie Oogie" - A Taste of Honey (used in the Rold Gold pretzel ad), "Night Fever" - The Bee Gees, and a bunch more. The high point of the evening was "Afternoon Delight" by the Starland Vocal Band, the Best New Artist of 1976. "Afternoon Delight" is a song about the virtues of a quickie in the middle of the afternoon, sung with about as much passion as milk. Coming up in future shows: Eddy "Electric Avenue" Grant's birthday, and more songs about sickness and illness. Stay tuned.

Something is wrong with my computer at work. If I try to print anything longer than one page, the printer freaks out and prints about fifty pages of PostScript commands. It was funny the first time, but it's not funny anymore.

This is a test of the emergency trigonometry system. This is only a test.
  • sin(x+y) = cos(x)sin(y) + sin(x)cos(y).
This is a test of the emergency trigonometry system. The math teachers of your area in cooperation with Eudora Light have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of a trigonometric emergency. If there had been an actual trigonometric emergency, the equation you just saw would have been followed by more equations, some protractors, a slide rule, and a barrage of polygons, some containing very sharp corners. This concludes this test of the emergency trigonometry system.