Monday, November 4, 1996

Ron's Big Life Update - November 1996

I've heard it said that Minnesota has two seasons: eleven months of winter, and one month of bad skating. Rochester probably isn't that far behind.

Yep, we got one whole inch of snow over the weekend. It didn't do much damage, but it served as a nasty reminder that winter is here and we better prepare for utter misery for the next six months. A rude awakening for those who thought that it might not really snow this year.

One of the sure signs of the Apocalypse (sp?): Journey has released a new album - their first in ten years. This is not good.

Not much else is going on up here. Margaret and I bought a new mattress last week. ("Newlyweds...") And we firmed up plans for the Xmas holidays - I'll be spending two full weeks in Denver with the other side of the family. Oy vey. (I didn't want to stay out there that long, but plane tickets were hard to come by.) My Thanksgiving plans worked out well - FOOD with the parents, then my high school 10th-year reunion two days after that in Rockland County. How convenient! Anyone need a ride to and from Rockland County from Rah-chester?

For you music buffs, stay tuned for my picks of the best of '96. (I'll do the best of '95 too, since I'm finally getting around to it.) Same Crap time, same Crap channel.

Go vote,
Ron "Snow? Whoda thunk?" G