Thursday, March 13, 1997

Ron's Big Life Update - March 1997

"Only when things are no longer there do you realize where they once were." - my brother, Ken Gerber, 1997.

Hello. Contrary to popular demand, I have not fallen off the face of the world, try as I might. I was recently approved to work overtime, and I have been putting in 50-55 hour weeks at work for the last month or two. It's not a lot of fun. To make matters worse, my boss just accepted a position at Seagate in Minneapolis. (Seagate makes hard drives, and is starting up a program to get into optical drives.) No successor has been named yet and the rest of my group and I are scrambling to absorb all of my boss's responsibilities, which are many. My life is not too good right now.

Margaret, on the other hand, is fine and says HI.

If you've sent me e-mail in the last two weeks, it bounced and I never received it. We upgraded one of the Kodak servers and wrought havoc on the e-mail accounts of anyone who had punctuation in his ID. Feel free to forward me some of your junk e-mail, since I've been doing without for about two weeks.

More later, once I've gotten some more sleep. (I think I'll break 60 hours at work this week...)

Ron "Life sux" G