Friday, December 24, 1993

Ron's Big Life Update - December 1993

(written December 1st:)

Hi, all. Today's Mr. Science came out abnormally good, so I thought I'd share it with you. Yesterday, this guy Daniel called up KRQ and told Mike & Jimmy (morning show hosts) that he had a bet with a buddy of his that he could get a date with Betsy (news babe). Mike & Jimmy told this guy to come down to the station and stand in the parking lot so Betsy could check him out without actually getting too close to him, since Betsy bases everything on looks. He showed up this morning and they all checked him out on the air, which was very funny.

Well, five minutes later, Mr. Science called in and explained that he was the guy who made the bet with this Daniel guy, and that Betsy should go out with Mr. Science instead. Dialogue went something like this:
Mr. Science: ... so I think Betsy should go out with ME instead.
Mike Jimmy & Betsy: Well why should Betsy go out with YOU?
Mr. S: Well, I'm an intelligent guy.
MJB: We knew that.
Mr. S: I'm six foot six.
MJB: -Laughter- Funny, that's not quite how we pictured you.
Mr. S: And I'm two hundred fifty pounds. And it's all muscle.
MJB: -More laughter- So what would you do on this date?
Mr. S: Well, I know how much Betsy loves tractor pulls...
MJB: And who doesn't?
Mr. S: after the tractor pull, I think we'd go for a nice romantic candlelight dinner at Greasy Tony's.
MJB: -More laughter- -a rebuttal that amounted to "No way" amidst laughter.-
And right after they aired the Mr. Science phone call, some woman called in and said that she lost a bet so she'd have to go out on a date with our producer, Curly. Many yuks.

And so goes the life of Tucson's favorite call-in radio scientist,
Mr. Science

(written December 17th:)

Hi, all.

Looks like a quiet Friday is coming. I went to the KRQ Christmas Party last night, and unlike a great number of others, all I had to drink was a Coke. I had a good time, and I met a lot of people who said "YOU'RE Mr. Science?" I think that's a good thing.

I also missed the Simpsons and Seinfeld because I forgot to set my VCR (Doooo!)

Life plods on in the world of sun,

(written December 24th:)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the land of sand. It's 58 degrees out here - brrr! Aside from the miserably crystal-clear, precipitation-free weather, everything is going well.

Happy 1994.

Ron G