Thursday, March 31, 1994

Ron's Big Life Update - March 1994

(written March 7th:)

Hi, y'all. It's raining in Tucson on this lovely Monday morning. Bleh! It feels like I'm back in Rochester again...

I saw the Grateful Dead in Phoenix on Friday night. I went with a completely open mind, hoping to gain some insight into why this band has produced a subculture all its own. Unfortunately, they were awful. Not just awful, but hideously horrendously awful. You'd think after twenty-some odd years, the band would be tight, and would have some sort of stage presence. Not so; they looked more like they were just going through the motions, and didn't say a single word to the crowd the entire night. Actually, they looked kind of the like the robots in the Hall of Presidents! And then there was the 23-minute drum solo (no exaggeration - we timed it.) It was very very bad, and now I am even more perplexed as to why people like this band. Hapless, I think, is a good way to describe them.

But I did get a Mr. Science bit out of it. He called in his tie-dyed lab coat, and described the atmosphere of the show - sorta like Disneyland with drugs. And lots of drugs. And lots of people getting the munchies afterwards. In fact, the tour itself was sponsored by Frito-Lay. Etc...

I have to do work now??? Bleh.

(written March 22nd:)

Hi, y'all. It's only going up to 83 today. (Oh the humanity.) Didja watch the Oscars? Mr. Science did, and he came up with a great idea:

I have an idea for the ULTIMATE movie. I'll make sure that it makes millions - I'll get Steven Spielberg to produce it. And it has to have lots of action, so I'll get Steven Seagal to direct it. And it needs a great story, so I'll get Stephen King to write the screenplay. And Stevie Wonder will do the soundtrack. And as a lead character, I'll get Steven Wright. The title?

"Dweebie Stevie Gets The Heebie Jeebies".

Hope all is well in your respective lands of ice and snow. I'll be by the pool if you need me...

(written March 28th:)

Hiya! I don't know if you've been following the NCAA March Madness 'Skitball Tourney, but the University of Arizona is in the Final Four! And for only the second time in our long illustrious career! Yeah! (And for those who saw Seinfeld last week, !!!!!!!!!!) Not surprisingly, I haven't seen any undergrads at all on campus yet; I suppose the hangovers should wear off by tomorrow. And I saw the Naked Gun 33-1/3 over the weekend. Loads o' laughs, as expected.

Otherwise, life is good. Today is sunny, high of 72. Although it's supposed to hit 90 by the end of the week... oy.

And happy Passover. Matzah for everyone!

(written March 31st:)

Hey. Is the snow gone yet? Today's high: 87. (Click your heels together three times... there's no place like Tucson...)

The whole city is totally flipped out from Wildcats-are-in-the-Final-Four mania. In keeping with the hoopla, (pardon the pun), Mr. Science proposed some new rules that would make the game more exciting. You know about the three point thingy, so I propose the following additions to the scoring scheme:

If you score from half court, it's worth 7 points. If you score from inside the other team's three point circle, it's worth 11 points. If you score from under the other team's basket, it's worth 15 points. If you score from the corner while standing on another player's shoulders, it's worth 31 points. If the cheerleaders make a pyramid and you score from the top of the pyramid, it's worth 75 points. And a hook shot from the concession stand gets 217 points.

And that is all from the school-with-the-soon-to-be-world-champion-Wildcats,