Monday, April 25, 1994

Ron's Big Life Update - April 1994

(written April 5th:)
Hi, world. March Madness is over, and we Arizonians are very proud of our Wildcats and their appearance in the Final Four. The team arrives back in AZ today, and we expect pandemonium along the parade route from the airport to the campus. Should be good!

I don't know if you heard, but there was some sabotage at the Biosphere 2 experiment here in Arizona. Apparently, two scientists from the last experiment went back and opened five of the airlocks. (Why? Nobody knows yet,although it was most certainly nice outside and I can see why they wanted to air out the place. I had my windows open too.) Well, Mr. Science heard that they're making the whole incident into a mini-series. It will be called "All This And Biosphere II", and will go something like this:

Life for the seven Biospherians was good. There were no traffic jams, no strip malls, and no low riders with megawatt stereo systems. In fact, their only connection with reality was the benevolent window washer, played by Tom Poston. UNTIL... Abigail and Mark, two evil scientists returning from Biosphere II The Previous Generation, paid them a little visit. Tension was high as they -GASP- let in some outside air! Abigail and Mark then fled, and are still running to this day. If you see them, don't make them angry; you won't like them when they're angry. And stay tuned for the sequel, "All This And Biosphere II II".

Ron :-)

(written April 25th:)

Hi from Tucson! Happy Happy Monday Monday! The weather here has gotten unpredictable. We had 45 MPH winds yesterday, and today's high is only 72 (10 degrees below normal). This is weird, since we were in the high 90s last week. No complaints, though.

Mr. Science finally went too far. After almost a year of trying, I finally recorded a bit that pushed the envelope a little too far, and consequently didn't make it onto the air. As you know, former president Richard Nixon passed away over the weekend. We'll all miss him, but there's just one loose end left over from those nasty Watergate days. There's that eighteen-minute gap in the audio tapes, where somebody had erased something. Well, I found out what was on that tape - it was the full length version of Iron Butterfly's "In A Gadda Da Vida". Of course he erased it! Can you blame him?

Well, for some reason (like good taste, and the fact that our listeners seem to take death seriously...) that didn't make it onto the air. I'm not sure if I'm proud or not, but I do know that I'll be back to rated-G material tomorrow. Oh well...

And that's the scoop from the land of sand. (Scoop? Sand? Sounds like a big litter box...)
