Tuesday, July 8, 1997

Ron's Big Life Update - July 1997 (I)

Hi. I'm finally settled into my new job and my new house. I'm now convinced that a house closing involves more signatures than anything else in one's life, but it's worth it. After about a week of unpacking, we can see the floor in most of the rooms! I've already mowed the lawn and made four trips to the hardware store, so I can say with pride that I'm a homeowner. Our first trash pickup is this Friday, and I can hardly wait!

We attached our VCR to the wall, and LO and BEHOLD! We have free cable. This marks the fourth (4th) time that I have gotten free cable this way. I must have the "kavorka" for free cable. Now if it only worked for donuts...

I found out that my new job involves a little bit of travel in the short term. I'm heading out to San Jose for two days in August, and possibly Holland (!) at the end of the summer. Woo-hoo!

I needed to pick a job title for my business cards, so I am now a "Senior Advisory Development Engineer," which means nothing, really. I wanted to be "Grand Poobah", but that was shot down pretty quickly.

The phone numbers don't spell anything funny, like PET-BANK or BIG-FOOT, unfortunately.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. The next time it snows, think of Minnesota...

Ron "Boogiemonster" Gerber